Resipi Cabonara Mummy Tasty dan Simple

Cara Memasak Ayam Sederhana dan Nikmat

Cabonara Mummy. Chicken & Bacon Carbonara Recipe is not tested. Mushrooms take the place of the traditional cured pork in this vegetarian carbonara recipe—but fear not, the dish does not lack depth of flavor! Carbonara Pasta With Evaporated Milk Recipes.

Cabonara Mummy Mushrooms aren't exactly a substitute for the guanciale or pancetta that you. This Creamy Carbonara is a plate of heavenly, creamy pasta. Silky spaghetti with crispy pancetta in a super creamy and cheesy sauce. Kamu bisa memasak Cabonara Mummy menggunakan bahan-bahan 14 dan langkah-langkah 7. Berikut cara masaknya.

Bahan-bahan Cabonara Mummy

  1. sosej /ayam (option) .
  2. Cendawan (option) .
  3. sederhana Susu full cream (Trpulang if nak berkuah) 1 cawan.
  4. sudu Oregano (letak ikut selera) 1.
  5. sudu Parsley kering (option) 1/4.
  6. sudu Cili flake (sikit je kalau nak pedas) 1/4.
  7. sudu blackpepper (ikut selera) 1/2.
  8. Cheese (utk pekatkan) 5 keping.
  9. Bawang holland (potong dadu) 1/2.
  10. Bawang putih (potong dadu) 3 ulas.
  11. Butter 250 g.
  12. spageti .
  13. Minyak .
  14. Garam .

Simply delicious and so easy to make them at home. This delicious spaghetti carbonara recipe is one of my all-time favorite of favorite of favorites. A simple Spinach and mushroom carbonara recipe for you to cook a great meal for family or friends. A lighter, flavor-packed easy carbonara recipe with garlic roasted tomatoes and fresh herbs.

Langkah-langkah Cabonara Mummy

  1. Lembutkan spageti dalam didihan air yang telah dicampur minyak dan garam sehingga ianya lembut.
  2. Sementara itu, cairkan butter. Lalu masokkan bawang holand dan bawang putih setelah butter itu cair.
  3. Kemudian, masokkan oregano, black pepper dan cili flakes (option) lalu gaul sampai naik bau.
  4. Seterusnya, masukkan sosej (option) Dan gaul sekejap.
  5. Masukkan satu cawan susu full cream dan biarkan mendidih serta masukkan cendawan tiram putih yang telah dicarik dan gaul sehingga cendawan tersebut nampak lembut.
  6. Setelah itu, masukkan 2-3 slice cheese kedalamnya. Gaul sehingga cheese tersebut cair..
  7. Akhir sekali, masukkan spageti dan biarkan selama 1-2 minit serta letakkan lagi 1slice cheese keatasnya. Tambahkan oregano, black peper dan cili flakes sedikit lagi dan gaul rata sebelum tutup api. Kemudian, hidangkan seperti biasa. Tidak perlu garam atau gula didalam masakkan..

Plus get our tips ensure a creamy carbonara sauce without scrambling the eggs. This spaghetti carbonara recipe is a classic Italian dish. Spaghetti carbonara was first created in Rome, Italy. This recipe will help you bring some quintessential Italian flavours into your home. Making this vegetarian fettuccine carbonara couldn't be simpler!