Cara Termudah Untuk Memasak Spicy Basil Chicken Enak dan Mudah

Cara Memasak Ayam Sederhana dan Nikmat

Spicy Basil Chicken. Heat large skillet over high heat. Stir in shallots, garlic, and sliced chilies. Spicy Basil Chicken - get dinner on the table in just minutes with the super easy chicken recipe.

Spicy Basil Chicken I love and easy dinner ideas. Busy nights happen all year round, not just during the school year. SPICY THAI BASIL CHICKEN is one of those meals that quickly becomes a family favorite. Kamu bisa masak Spicy Basil Chicken menggunakan bahan-bahan 10 dan langkah-langkah 3. Berikut cara membuatnya.

Bahan-bahan Spicy Basil Chicken

  1. dada ayam 500 gram.
  2. bawang putih 5-6 ulas.
  3. cili padi merah 1 cawan.
  4. daun basil 100 gram.
  5. sudu besar sos tiram 1.
  6. sudu besar kicap cair 2.
  7. sudu besar sos ikan 3.
  8. limau nipis (1 hirisan) .
  9. sudu kecil garam 1/2.
  10. minyak masak 1/3 cawan.

It's easy and full of amazing flavor! It's easy and full of amazing flavor! Now that the holiday is over and we are back from our trip to New York City, I'm trying to get back into a routine for cooking dinner. Spicy basil chicken is make with a combination of pepper flakes, chicken, fresh basil, onions, and garlic.

Langkah-langkah Spicy Basil Chicken

  1. Sediakan bahan.Dada ayam dibasuh bersih,toskan air dan di potong kecil.Bawang putih dan cili padi merah di tumbuk hancur..
  2. Panaskan minyak, tumis kan bawang putih dan cili padi sehingga sedikit keperangan.Masukkan ayam,sos tiram,sos ikan,kicap cair dan garam.Gaul rata dan biarkan ayam masak..
  3. Masukkan daun basil.Gaul rata, kemudian perahkan hirisan limau nipis.Siap!!.

The amount of chilli flakes and basil depends on your taste. I tend to add a fair … Spicy Thai Basil Chicken is full of flavor and goes great when served in crunchy lettuce wraps or over rice. Lettuce wraps make for a fresh burst of crunch and flavor, or spoon the stir-fry over rice. This Spicy Thai Basil Chicken is a quick and easy and super tasty weeknight stir-fry! Diced chicken breasts pieces are tossed in a spicy, savory, and sweet sauce and served with warm steamed white rice and a yolky Thai style fried egg!