Cara Termudah Untuk Buat Ayam Masak Merah Nenek Style👵 Perfect Taste

Cara Memasak Ayam Sederhana dan Nikmat

Ayam Masak Merah Nenek Style👵. Ayam Masak Merah has unique flavours, the taste is beautiful and unforgettable although it shares some basic similar spices (cinnamon, cloves, star anise and chillies) to Chicken Curry. It is distinctively different, be it in the texture of the chicken or the tantalizing flavours in the sauce. The chicken pieces are rubbed in with turmeric and salt and are deep fried till golden in colour.

Ayam Masak Merah Nenek Style👵 Potong kecil-kecil dan gaul dengan garam kunyit. Kemudian barulah dimasukkan sos dan buah tomato. If you want to pick an authentic Malay cuisine, chicken in tomato sauce (Ayam Masak Merah) is the ideal choice for you. Kamu bisa masak Ayam Masak Merah Nenek Style👵 menggunakan bahan-bahan 12 dan langkah-langkah 7. Berikut cara memasaknya.

Bahan-bahan Ayam Masak Merah Nenek Style👵

  1. ekor ayam 1.
  2. biji tomato 2.
  3. biji bawang besar 2.
  4. Lengkuas .
  5. Halia .
  6. Garam .
  7. Gula .
  8. Puri tin tomato .
  9. Sos tiram .
  10. Cili kering (blended) .
  11. sudu kecil kunyit 1.
  12. bawang puteh 2 ulas.

The chicken in tomato sauce recipe has less chili than other traditional Malay cuisines, ideal for the gastronomes who do not withstand other fiercely hot curry dishes and kids friendly. Ayam Masak Merah has many names when translated to English. Some have called it as 'Red Cooked Chicken', 'Chicken in Red Chili Sauce', 'Chicken in Red Sauce'… I have named it as Malay-Style Red Chicken Curry. Ayam masak merah is a very popular and tasty curry dish amongst all Malaysians across all communities.

Langkah-langkah Ayam Masak Merah Nenek Style👵

  1. Gaul ayam dan kunyit dan garam, dan goreng separuh masak,.
  2. Blend bawang puteh,besar,lengkuas, halia dan tomato.
  3. Selepas sudah diblend goreng di kuali.
  4. Masukkan pes tomato puri.
  5. Masukkan garam dan gula.
  6. Masukkan sos tiram.
  7. Dan kacau.

Saya share resepi ayam Masak Merah yang biasa saya buat. Hehehehe segan lak nak share sebenarya sebab ramai lagi yang pandai dan masak sedap-sedap. Tapi sebab ramai jugak yang minta saya share, jadi saya share pada sesiapa yang sudi nak mencuba. Ini cara saya dengan gabungan resepi mak saya. Rub the chicken with turmeric powder and salt.